
Clear lines for clean food: dr. Lenkei’s Clean Food flagship store is open

The first flagship store of dr. Lenkei’s Clean Food brand has opened in the 15th district, in Mehola department store. The interior designer este’r partners focused on simple lines, clear spatial organization and the use of natural colors and materials when designing the first store of the franchise chain. This sleek interior design concept provides the right base for a diverse and colorful product range and conveys the philosophy of the client, Lenkei company: natural, clean food.


A striking element in the symmetrical design is the so-called moss gate: the inside of the entrance door is painted dark green and partly covered with flat moss. The entrance is not only a visual element, but also a spiritual “tool”: a symbol of purification that compels customers and those interested to enter the space in a transcendent state. The moss gate is powered by air humidity and is custom-designed.

The key elements of the store are the designer lamps suspended from the ceiling, positioned above the cash desk and the gondolas: this is not the first time that the team of este’r partners has used the natural-looking Paper Up lamps made from recycled material.

On both sides of the space there are modular shelving systems from AluStyle frames with LED lighting hidden in their columns, with a drawer element at the bottom. The designers integrated a sink and coffee machine into one of the sidewall shelving systems. The product information on the shelving system can be placed in holders, and colored posters above the shelves display the origin and the background of the products. Every dr. Lenkei store has a café corner where people can taste the coffees available here. A discreet, special solution is the magical pixels on the coverings created from the products of Vogue Ceramica and Graph Color, above the reception desk and on the back wall: the delicate Italian design brings playfulness into the space.

The concept of interior design, based on the green-pastel-natural wood triad, aims to convey simplicity and clarity: the team of este’r partners created the first store of the franchise with a harmonious, clean design.

Interior design: este’r partners

Lead designer:  Eszter Radnóczy

Designers:  Mónika Vajta,  Fanni Gyurics

Floor and covering: Vogue Ceramica

Design lamps: Paper Up

Wall painting: Valpaint Valrenna

Shelving system: AluStyle GP3

Bar chair: Colos

Moss gate: Virágkoktél Design


Mohakapu, designlámpák és modern polcrendszer: megnyitott a dr. Lenkei Clean Food mintaboltja

A XV. kerület Mehola üzletházban megnyitott a dr. Lenkei Clean Food márka első mintaüzlete. A belsőépítész este’r partners a franchise üzletlánc első tagjának kialakításakor az egyszerű vonalvezetést, az egyértelmű térszervezést és a természetes színek és anyagok alkalmazását helyezte fókuszba. Ez a letisztult belsőépítészeti koncepció biztosítja a megfelelő hátteret a változatos és színes termékpalettának, illetve közvetíti a megrendelő Lenkei cég filozófiáját: tiszta étel, természetesen.

A szimmetrikus szerkesztésben markáns elem az úgynevezett mohakapu: a bejárati ajtó belső oldala részben lapos mohával borított, sötétzöldre festett. A kapu nemcsak látványelem, hanem spirituális „eszköz” is a megérkezésre: a megtisztulás jelképe, mely arra készteti a vásárlókat és érdeklődőket, hogy átlényegülve érkezzenek a térbe. A mohakapu a levegő páratartalmából táplálkozik és egyedi tervezés alapján valósult meg.

Az üzlet meghatározó elemei a mennyezetről függesztett, a pénztárpult és a gondolák fölé pozícionált designlámpák: nem először alkalmazza az este’r partner csapata az újrafelhasznált anyagból készülő, természetes hatású Paper Up lámpákat.

A tér két oldalán helyezkednek el a moduláris, oszlopaiban rejtett LED-világítással ellátott AluStyle alapokra épített polcrendszerek, melyek aljában fiókos elem található. A tervezők az egyik oldalfali polcrendszerbe integráltak egy mosogatót és kávéfőzőgépet. A polcrendszer információs táblái sínekbe helyezhetők, a polcrendszer fölött színes poszterek hirdetik a termékek származási helyét és hátterét. A dr. Lenkei minden üzlettérben helyet kap egy kávézósarok, ahol az érdeklődők megkóstolhatják az itt megvásárolható kávékat.  Diszkrét, különleges megoldást a Vogue Ceramica, Graph Color család elemeiből megalkotott burkolatokon látható pixelek játéka a recepciós pult fölött és a hátsó falon: a finom olasz design játékosságot visz a térbe.

A zöld-pasztell-natúr fa hármasára építő belsőépítészet koncepció célja az egyszerűség és a letisztultság közvetítése: az este’r partners csapata harmóniára törekvő, tiszta designnal alkotta meg a hálózat első megvalósult üzletét.

Belsőépítészet: este’r partners

Vezető tervező: Radnóczy Eszter

Belsőépítész tervezők: Vajta Mónika, Gyurics Fanni

Padló és fal hidegburkolata: Vogue Ceramica, Graph Color család elemeiből

Design lámpák: Paper Up

Falfestés: Valpaint Valrenna Strukturált falfestés szürke színben

Oszlopos polcrendszer alumínium elemei: AluStyle GP3 profil rendszer, matt eloxált, antracit színben

Bárszék: Colos

Mohakapu: Virágkoktél Design


Renovated Buda Civic Casino reopens as cultural center in Krisztina square in Budapest

The former Buda Civic Casino reopens in the 1st district of Budapest as the Sándor Márai Cultural Center: the building has undergone a careful renovation respecting its past and architectural values as a community and cultural centre, but also integrating new functions. The building was renovated by the plans of interior designer este’r partners (Eszter Radnóczy) in cooperation with architect studio Jassó Építészműhely (Sándor Jassó and Adrienn Bársony) while the consturciont was completed by Laki Zrt.

The headquarters of the Buda Civil Casino was built in 1893, according to the plans of Imre Francsek, sr. The casino operated on the first floor, with several lounges, drawing and games rooms next to the ballroom. There was a restaurant in the basement, several shops on the ground floor and three rental apartments on the second floor. In the corner shop on the ground floor there was first a beer hall, then a bank, later the confectionery of József Auguszt from 1901 to 1915, and in 1936 the Philadelphia café moved here. After the Second World War, until 1989, the building was the district headquarters of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party (MSZMP), the Hungarian Young Communist League (KISZ), the Pioneer Association and the Workers’ Militia, with a hairdresser and a delicatessen on the ground floor. The latter operated under various company names until the start of the renovation. For several years, the Municipality of Budavár has taken steps to buy out the flats and offices when the building was split up and sold, and eventually the entire building became the property of the Municipality. During the measurements, the design team first encountered fragmented, divided, narrow and gloomy spaces.

From the beginning, the municipality of the 1st district sought to save, renovate, and add new features to the building. The building is of architectural significance; its most important spaces, even after previous simplistic restorations, are the imposing first-floor ballroom and the main staircase. At the start of the design, the inner courtyard, the ballroom, the street façade were only faintly reminiscent of the original patina of the building. In addition to the functions and modern expectations that serve the needs of the cultural center, preserving, respecting and restoring of the existing values were all priorities throughout the construction.

The tower of the building was destroyed during the siege of Budapest in 1944–45, and its façade was severely damaged. The façade was restored according to László Lux’s plans in 1946, but the corner tower was not repaired, and the façade was completely denuded, including the intact parts. The restoration of the corner dome was a priority in the design process. The appearance of the corner tower is important not only outside but also inside the building. Both the performance hall and the dance hall have a great view from this point, from here we are able to see the church on Krisztina Square, the square and the Buda Castle.

A wall analysis was carried out before the construction began, during which it was visible that after the renovation of the façade in 1946, the entire façade surface had been completely re-plastered, so no fragment of the original architecture remained. We know the original condition of the façade only from archive pictures and postcards. The former segmentation of the façade of Krisztina Square and Alagút Street, the destroyed corner tower, as well as the main staircase and the ballroom have been restored based on historical and archival research. Unfortunately, there were not enough resources available for the complete reconstruction of the former detailed façade ornamentation.

From the beginning of the design, it was important that the historic restoration of the building is carried out by professionals with authenticity. A new space was born by covering the inner courtyard, which became the centre of the house, as it connects the current spaces. This area needed to be reinvented in terms of interior design.

The inner courtyard façade was plastered with a special stencil technique. Among the above mentioned solutions, the designers used a unique structured plaster solution in the façade decoration, which adds a subtle ornamentation to the new community space. The pattern of this is taking forward the idea of the original ornamental painting’s geometric pattern found in the ballroom.

The surface of the modern central parts is formed by a printed patterned Kerlite covering, which provides a unique atmosphere to the corridors, as well as giving the courtyard exciting insight and depths. As this surface is closer to the eye of the visitor, the pattern is richer in detail, it was possible to show the inner geometric stencil pattern in a more ornate way with the help of modern technologies. Applied decorative art was part of the graphic design, it intertwines with the sleek control system as a visual communication tool. The decorative art used was part of the graphic design it intertwines with the neat control system as a visual communication tool.

During the renovation, the building has returned to its original splendour. It can host artistic and community events and can be a remarkable centre of cultural life. Unique spaces and spatial connections make every moment festive during any events, classical music concerts, festivities, balls, weddings, exhibitions and other art performances.